“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1) This holds so true in a school setting. The school year is a grind. It is for teachers. It is for students. It is for parents. And when that grind feels overwhelming, we tend to get short with each other and lose sight of our shared unity. With that in mind, our school year theme of “Together in Christ” will keep us focused on the joy we have at ML to have a shared mission with our students, teachers, and parents.

Romans 15:5-6 is our theme passage “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Let’s unpack this in our school setting:

  • God gives endurance and encouragement – God will get us through. When the weight of school work or extra-curriculars or tuition payments or differing opinions drags us down, God can and will get us through. Through his encouraging Gospel message and unfailing love, he will see us through. He always has and he always will. Faith is trust. Our faith is built on a perfect resume. He gets us through, which gives us the endurance needed to continue!
  • Let’s have the same attitude of mind as Christ – Wow! Imagine if that was one of our daily goals as we walked into ML! I am going to be Christ-like to my fellow students or colleagues and look to build relationships to strengthen the body of Christ. I am going to be Christ-like in my attitude even about that person who has slandered me on social media, who has taken my spot on the team, who is getting ahead even though they don’t have to try as hard as I do. Having this goal of having the same attitude of mind as Christ toward each other can only bring blessings. So, let’s give it a shot!
  • so that…God is glorified! In all things, our goal is to give glory to Him who has built a relationship with undeserving me! Our goal is to have one voice and be known to give glory to God who made us his own even while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). May God be glorified through our words and actions towards each other.

May God richly bless this school year with many opportunities to remind each other of the unity that we share. And as we do, may the Kingdom be built up TOGETHER IN CHRIST!

Mr. Matthew Herbst