Michigan Lutheran High School tuition is set at two separate rates for the 2025-2026 School Year. Since MLHS is owned and operated by 10 area Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod (WELS) churches who help fund the school through their offerings, students who are members of one of those churches receive a membership discount. The cost per student is just over $11,000, so all students receive a generous discount to begin.
Members of a WELS church – $7240/year
Not Members of a WELS church – $7995/year
2nd Students from the same family receive a $1400 discount.
ALL may apply for financial aid. We make it a goal of ours to work with each family to not allow tuition to be the reason someone does not attend MLHS. Contact our president, Mr. Herbst, for more information. 269-429-7861 ext. 204
One-Time Registration Fee
Family Fee – $56 (for setup in Blackbaud)
9th Grade – $195
10th Grade – $160
11th Grade – $110
12th Grade – $170
Members of a WELS Church – $6725/year
Non-Members of a WELS Church – $9400/year
One-Time fee for all boarding students upon enrollment – $800
All international students total annual cost – $29,000
Apply for Financial Aid
Students must be accepted and enrolled to apply.
Assistance Opens March 1
Deadline May 31
Ready to Apply?
TUITION ASSISTANCE FORM – Print and Return to the office in a sealed envelope with all attachments needed.
12th Grade Ned Adams Scholarship
Download the application for the 12th Grade Ned Adams Student Scholarship below. All those who will be in the senior class in the upcoming school year and have been at ML since their freshmen year may apply. One student will be chosen for a FULL tuition scholarship.
Applications must be turned in by May 20th, 2024 to the MLHS office or emailed to
The criteria for the scholarship are on the application but are as follows:
- Demonstrated Value of Christian Education
- Merit-Based
- Loyalty and Spirit
- Demonstrated Financial Need
12th Grade William Kruck “Legacy Student” Scholarship
Download the application for the 12th Grade William Kruck “Legacy” Student Scholarship below. All those who will be in the senior class in the upcoming school year and are children of an MLHS alumni can apply. One student will be chosen for a $1,000 tuition scholarship.
The criteria for the scholarship are on the application but are as follows:
- Son or Daughter of an MLHS graduate
- Four-Year MLHS student
- Loyalty and Spirit
- Demonstrated Financial Need
Applications must be turned in by May 20th, 2024 to the MLHS office or emailed to
11th Grade Keith Lavanway Scholarship
Download the application for the Keith Lavanway Junior Year Scholarship below. All those who will be in the junior class in the upcoming school year can apply. One student will be chosen for their full tuition and fees to be covered by this fund.
The criteria for the scholarship are on the application but are as follows:
- Demonstrated Value of Christian Education
- Merit-Based
- Loyalty and Spirit
Applications must be turned in by May 20th to the MLHS office or emailed to
9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Grade Pastor Jim Bartz Scholarship
Download the application for the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade Pastor Jim Bartz Scholarship below. Students from any class can apply. One student will be chosen for a $2,000 tuition scholarship.
The criteria for the scholarship are on the application but are as follows for a 9th Grader:
- NEW Family to MLHS
- Demonstrated Financial Need
- Prior Commitment to Christian Education
The criteria for the scholarship are on the application but are as follows for a 10th-12th Grader:
- Student’s Demonstrated Committment to Their Personal Education
- Involvement in Extra-Curriculars
- Volunteering at church
- Demonstrated financial need
Applications must be turned in by May 20th to the MLHS office or emailed to
10th Grade Aaron Doroff Scholarship
Download the application for the 10th grade Aaron Doroff Scholarship below. All students who will be in the upcoming 10th grade class can apply. One student will be chosen for a $1,000 tuition scholarship.
The criteria for the scholarship are on the application but are as follows for a 10th Grader:
- Demonstrated Student Leadership
- Demonstrated Financial Need
Applications must be turned in by May 20th to the MLHS office or emailed to
9th Grade Gephart Family Scholarship
Download the application for the 10th grade Aaron Doroff Scholarship below. All students who will be in the upcoming 9th grade class can apply. One student will be chosen for a $1,000 tuition scholarship.
The criteria for the scholarship are on the application but are as follows for a 9th Grader:
- New Family to MLHS
- Demonstrated Financial Need